Epilepsy Talk

Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS) Shown to Reduce “Untreatable” Seizures |

June 19, 2020

The idea that we can implant a Star Trek-type device that will detect seizures and interrupt them without causing injury is entirely new. And exciting. And scary.

Especially for those people with epilepsy that have seizures that begin at one focal point in the brain, but aren’t appropriate for epilepsy surgery.

Brain stimulation has now been shown to offer significant relief to patients with intractable seizures, for whom drugs and other treatments have not worked.

Keppra – A New Breakthrough

March 13, 2016

Recently, the FDA approved the very first 3D-printed medication.

3D printing has taken the world by storm, and although it may sound like science fiction, it’s here to stay.

And the pharmaceutical industry is getting in on this innovative technology.

    About the author

    Phylis Feiner Johnson

    Phylis Feiner Johnson

    I've been a professional copywriter for over 35 years. I also had epilepsy for decades. My mission is advocacy; to increase education, awareness and funding for epilepsy research. Together, we can make a huge difference. If not changing the world, at least helping each other, with wisdom, compassion and sharing.

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