Epilepsy Talk

The SmartWatch — A New Type of Seizure Monitor! | November 10, 2013

Imagine a wristwatch-style device that could help allay your major fear. That a dreaded seizure could happen without anybody knowing, no hope of help.

Welcome the The SmartWatch — a motion detecting and alerting wristwatch that can detect seizures and alert caregivers within seven to 10 seconds!

The device is a wristwatch which has a GPS module and a proprietary accelerometer/gyroscopic sensor inside to detect the excessive and repeated motions that happen during Generalized Tonic-Clonic seizures and some types of Myoclonic (grand mal) seizures.

It then records the time, duration and location of the occurrences. Automatic text message and phone call alerts are sent via Bluetooth to an android cell phone (an iPhone version is in the works) of one or two designated family members or caregivers.

And you can also summon help with a simple push of a “Help” button.

In addition, if you feel an aura coming on, you can press an “emergency button” that transmits an alert.

When an alert is sent, the SmartWatch also vibrates. If the alert was accidental, you can cancel it.

The SmartWatch can even be put in the “snooze” mode!

If you’re going to engage in anything, (such as climbing or running) that might inadvertently trigger the device, you can temporarily disabled it for 10 minutes.

Then, when the “snooze” period is over, it automatically resumes functioning.

Aside from the real-time safety net that comes with wearing the watch, it also provides a complete archived record of all your seizure activity — when and how often your seizures occur, their severity, and how long they last.

All of which can supply valuable information to your caregivers, neurologist, physician, and most of all, YOU!

And, by keeping track of seizure severity and duration, medications and other treatments can be changed, adjusted or fine tuned. The SmartWatch will do this automatically, and with more precision.

There’s only glitch…

Because the SmartWatch is a motion detection unit, it’s only for those with Generalized Tonic-Clonic seizures and some types of Myoclonic seizures. So it’s not a universal seizure detector.

And even though it’s primarily worn on the wrist like a watch, you can wear the SmartWatch on your leg or ankle, if your abnormal movements are more pronounced there.

It’s fully portable and you can wear it in and out of bed, during sleep or waking hours, while it continuously monitors you and issues alerts.

While the SmartWatch isn’t about prediction — it is about detection. All of which can go a long way towards independence, security and gathering real time information.

“If I couldn’t make that call for help, SmartWatch would make it for me. I have the help right at the tip of my fingers. It is AMAZING!” Evera, Daly City, CA

“With the SmartWatch I can relax… while my son sleeps I can relax knowing I have the SmartWatch monitoring him and I will be notified if a seizure starts while he sleeps.” Scott C, Westiminster, CA

“I love this watch so far! The SmartWatch alerted us to 2 seizures while she was sleeping. It definitely gives us peace of mind. She even has used the help button when she felt a seizure coming on. THANK YOU!!!!” Stacy B.

For an excellent description of the device with questions and answers, go to http://www.epilepsygroup.com/notes6-35-33/safety-in-epilepsy-potential-seizure-detection-device.htm

To compare the SmartWatch Standard and the SmartchWatch Premium, click here: http://www.smart-monitor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/SmartWatch-Conmparison-3.pdf

And for added information, call 1-888-334-5045 or email: http://www.smart-monitor.com/

Another article of interest:

Top-Rated Seizure Monitors

Top-Rated Seizure Monitors

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  1. I checked it out, going to see if Doc P, my neurologist, has heard of it and if it could be used for atonic seizure, cause we sure fall with a loud crash, a bit pricey if it wouldn’t work for atonics but it’s only paper with green ink on it, right?


    Comment by Don — November 10, 2013 @ 1:26 PM

  2. Could this change the entire approach to AEDs? Would it be possible to simply take Ativan to abort a seizure, rather than take daily medication with all the nasty side effects?!


    Comment by Martha — November 10, 2013 @ 3:45 PM

  3. I don’t think it can take the place of AEDs, because basically The SmartWatch is a monitor that detects a seizure.

    And without your meds, you’re not likely to stop having seizures. 😦


    Comment by Phylis Feiner Johnson — November 10, 2013 @ 4:02 PM

  4. 🙂 I hear you Martha, wouldn’t that be great, just take ativan when you feel one coming on rather than take the daily meds.

    For me, they happen whether i take meds or not. I take Gabapentin and because of it, most all my seizures have come in the mornings. Before this med, they would come at anytime and mostly at the most inconvenient time too. Also this med seems to push my seizure out for like 2 months or so, but then i’ll have 2 within a week.


    Comment by Zolt — November 11, 2013 @ 2:56 PM

    • Thanks. Is Gabapentin effective for tonic-clonic seizures? That is what my son has. He’s now taking Depakote, but the jury is still out, as it has only been 3 weeks. Keppra was a disaster. I had read that the side effects of Gabapentin are not so harsh as the other AEDs.


      Comment by Martha — November 11, 2013 @ 3:09 PM

  5. The answer is “yes”.

    Gabapentin is “Effective against partial seizures (including secondary generalized tonic-clonic).

    Somewhat effective against primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures.

    Ineffective or worsens absence, myoclonic or tonic/atonic type seizures.”


    “Neurontin capsules 300mg are used to treat epilepsy to control seizures in several forms of epilepsy, ranging from partial to generalized tonic-clonic seizures, in adults who have not responded to other antiepileptic drugs; also to control partial seizures in children.”



    Comment by Phylis Feiner Johnson — November 12, 2013 @ 9:48 AM

  6. I have nothing but praise for this drug, Gabapentin, this is my second year on it and i’m happy since it doesn’t cause me the side effect of the other drugs i’ve been on, keppra, dilantin and lamotrigine. Or i just don’t feel them. Who knows what the longterm effects will be. But, Lamotrigine was the worst, increased the intensity of my seizures by 10x. But only after being on it for 8 months, you would think it would happen right away when one first takes the drug, but not this one. So even if things start out peaches and cream, it can change. That’s the hard part, knowing when a drug is not good for you. I wonder if there are any articles on how to know when a drug is not right for you. Sometimes one has to just trust one’s instincts, if it doesn’t feel right then change it. But the docs all want to increase dosage of the drug, rather than switch it. Sometimes one has to demand a switch, thats what i had to do with Lamotrigine, even after telling the doc about the bad seizures i was having.

    Gabapentin works for 6hrs, so the way i schedule my seizures for the morning, is to not take my first pill for an hour after i wake. Within that hr is when i will have a seizure. Then after i take my meds, i wait an hr then go to work. So last year i had 12 seizures and only 1 was during the day, the rest were within that hour after waking. This yr i’ve had 7 seizures and all but one was during the day, the other six were in the mornings. If only i had odds like that at Las Vegas I’d be rich. 🙂

    I take the med at 7am, 1pm and 7pm.

    This is a great article, an advanced early detection is always a blessing, especially if you don’t have auras.

    I’m lucky i do have auras, sometimes they are fails, but none the less i always get prepared for one to happen.


    Comment by Zolt — November 15, 2013 @ 1:06 PM

  7. I’ve always loved the way you “time” your seizures.

    I don’t “love” what you’re saying about Lamictal.

    Although I’ve been taking it for 10 years and it’s been extremely user-friendly.

    But now, its effects have been spotty, so I just came from EEG, MRI and blood work land and I’m slowly titrating up.

    No dreaded Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, but more seizures (that’s what started this ball rolling in the first place), but I sure do feel crummy.

    Slept all day yesterday after my triple-header. 😦


    Comment by Phylis Feiner Johnson — November 15, 2013 @ 2:11 PM

  8. Oh no, sorry to hear about that!! Hope all will be well with you soon, Phylis!!

    Sorry i didn’t mention that my reaction to Lamictal is just what happened to me personally. For others It may work perfectly fine. Who knows maybe it was the generic form lamotrigine that was the problem?

    The other thing, after i told my doc about my 2 horrible seizures on lamotrigine, he upped the dosage to the max. That gave me shortness of breath, just doing the normal walks i do at work. I had to stop that right away, so that’s when i demanded my doc to take me off of it. Everyone is different, but maybe someone may have the same reaction as me and can relate. I’m just stating the facts as they happen to me, with this horrible thing we must deal with.

    Maybe, put in a funny movie, that may make you feel better. Not sure if you like old comedy, but when i was young, i really got a kick out of Harold Lloyd, his old silent comedy flicks. Not his movies, that he did later in his career, but the 15 min flicks.


    Comment by Zolt — November 15, 2013 @ 2:45 PM

  9. You’re making me feel better every minute, as I begin to titrate up!!! 🙂

    It’s ok. I still love you anyway!

    But actually, it’s my fault. I was taking an inconsistent dose.

    When I saw I had three bottles in my medicine cabinet, it should have been a “hint”.

    Duh. The lights are on but nobody’s home!!!


    Comment by Phylis Feiner Johnson — November 15, 2013 @ 3:29 PM

  10. I’m sure we all can relate to those types of moments. A lot of times i forget to take my noontime medicine even though i have an alarm on my iphone that reminds me, sometime I’m so busy i just forget. But 3 bottles worth, good Lord, what are u doing? 🙂


    Comment by Zolt — November 15, 2013 @ 4:03 PM

    • I’m being dumb. (Not on purpose!)

      Honestly, I’m not sure how this happened. Unless the amounts were different or the dose or time of day.

      I have two of those handy-dandy 7-day pill picks. (Actually four — two for day — and two for night.)


      Comment by Phylis Feiner Johnson — November 15, 2013 @ 5:10 PM

  11. Here is something interesting to read about, not.

    “However, scientific data are slowly accumulating to suggest that recurring seizures may contribute to nerve cell injury in the brain, and this may be associated with declines in cognitive function and quality of life.”



    Comment by Zolt — November 15, 2013 @ 4:12 PM

    • Yes, this has been explained to me. But not in such a wishy-washy way.

      In my case, it’s which came first — the chicken or the egg?

      I fall down a lot. (Because of clumsiness, poor balance or seizures?)

      Anyway, every time I have a concussion / seizure / or whatever, I lose some grey matter around my brain.

      It’s been explained to me that grey matter is what protects the brain and cognitive functions.

      (Skip the electrical misfires for this conversation.)

      So when I drove into the garage (the house beams were what halted me) after the question of HOW, came the question of WHY?

      And there we are Dear Watson. Looking for the answer.

      (And happily, I did NOT go through the wall.)


      Comment by Phylis Feiner Johnson — November 15, 2013 @ 5:30 PM

  12. Can more information be sent to me?? Either via email or USPS.


    Comment by Jeff Laugtug — May 30, 2015 @ 10:14 AM

  13. The SmartWatch is available through Smart Monitor by calling 1.888.334.5045 today!

    “What is the cost of the SmartWatch?
    We would first like to make sure the SmartWatch will meet the needs of the user and their family. Please call 1.888.334.5045 for details and pricing information.”


    Comment by Phylis Feiner Johnson — May 30, 2015 @ 10:19 AM

  14. Can more information be sent to me either by email or USPS?? I’m very interested.


    Comment by Jeff Laugtug — May 30, 2015 @ 10:41 AM

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    About the author

    Phylis Feiner Johnson

    Phylis Feiner Johnson

    I've been a professional copywriter for over 35 years. I also had epilepsy for decades. My mission is advocacy; to increase education, awareness and funding for epilepsy research. Together, we can make a huge difference. If not changing the world, at least helping each other, with wisdom, compassion and sharing.

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